Updated: June 11

(The survey is still open. Should you wish to share and inspire with another PropTech solution, please, send it to us on e-mail: info@proptechslovakia.sk and we will provide sharing with wider European PropTech community)

Alphabetical order:

AKULAR – provider of smart AR application for developers, architects and communities came up with two COVID fight initiatives that are available globally during the crises:

1. Virtual walk throughs in video calls: FREE support for developers and leasing managers who have unoccupied empty spaces and cannot host site visits. They can now join their calls with AR demonstrating sites as if live walk through.

2. Free support on construction sites: AKULAR made its premium service FREE and offer FREE support for field staff by dialling in to their calls and helping to geo-locate real size 3D models for remote visual inspections.

Contact: marketing@akular.com

Web site: https://akular.com/

AUSEMIO – provider of scalable asset management platform came up with additional functionalities to fight against COVID19 that can be integrated:

– Secure and automated measurement of temperature of all persons moving through foyers and receptions of business centres and other buildings with supporting navigation and alarm functions.

– Digitalisation of supply and stock management systems in hospitals and other exposed buildings for safe distribution of healthcare and other working equipment (manual tools, masks, gloves, etc.) to avoid traffics, physical contact and lack of critical supplies.

Contact: info@ausemio.com

Web site https://ausemio.com/en/

Biotron Labs – provider of advanced data analytics solutions for smart cities. To help cities attract people to use public transport again and decrease the traffic congestion, Biotron Labs is offering 50 % discount on its location intelligence and mobility analysis workshop until the end of June. They also offer consulting and support with analytics to better understand the movement patterns and how they change in time. Biotron actively participated and provided mentorship during the Hack-The-Crises hackathon.

Contact: Pavol Magic, CEO, pavol.magic@biotron.io

Web: https://biotron.io/#/

INFOTECH – provider of real-time platform including 3D Digital Twins (in PropTech segments of manage&operate and live&work – smart buildings). Recorded increased interest in its functionalities that enable indoor positioning and to monitor movement of people and their meeting activities. Infotech provides its 3D modelling without the need of physical meetings with customers and provides 20-25% discounts during the crises.

Contact: michal.malik@infotech.sk

Website: www.rtls.solutions

Innovatrics – a provider of biometric solutions based on fingerprints and face recognition – has seen a huge increase in demand for its contactless technologies as well.

– Innovatrics has tested its face recognition algorithms with people wearing masks and even in this set-up they have proved to be working without relevant decrease in accuracy, security and comfort of users. Innovatrics has also added features of face mask detection and thermal control. After all these tweaks its access control can now measure temperature of the visitors, check whether they are wearing masks and even identify them with their masks on.
– Innovatrics started to enable remote installations of its solutions even in off-line areas with restricted high-security access. Solutions of Innovatrics can thus be mailed anywhere in the world and installed remotely via “Innovatrics Virtual Engineer”.
– Third anti-Covid solution of Innovatrics is app for smart quarantining at home that has been created in joint effort with Sygic – global navigation player. The app safely checks presence of people at home based on the same technology that is used for the banks when they enrol new clients remotely and need to verify their identity reliably.

Contact: marketing@innovatrics.com

Webpage: https://www.innovatrics.com

Lightech – provider of interior and exterior lighting for properties, cities and municipalities – has developed protective UVC system (utilising disinfecting power of Ultra Violet C rays) as reliable disinfection management system. The system is applicable in any administrative building and it can be built in stationary lighting system and connected to sensors of presence, movement, CO2 levels and intensity of lighting.  The advanced system can use sensor of effective dose of UVC radiation.

Contact: info@uvcsystmens.sk

Web: www.uvcsystems.sk

Pygmalios – provides real-time management system mainly for retailers that was developed to assist with following the strict hygienic norms and regulations issued by the government during the COVID-19 epidemic. Thanks to a high-precision-rate sensors, such system is able to partially replace an employee’s physical presence and regulate the number of visitors entering the store. The tool oversees customer in-flow and notifies the store manager in case the occupancy limit of the store is reached. Pygmalios offered the software to state and municipalities for free and was ready to agree on leasing of hardware or to find other acceptable solutions.

Contact: info@pygmalios.com

Webpage: https://pygmalios.com/occupancy-management/

SAMO Europe – provider of advanced neuromarketing methods and proprietary solutions has developed a device called QEHeC – Quick Entry Health Check System for measuring body temperature together with emotional index of an area and disinfecting functions.  The QEHeC is managed by a smart unit, that can analyse factors of environment and its impact on body temperature. Based on this information system automatically adjust errors in measurements. The system has added camera for measurement of emotions, age and sex, which can be done while measuring body temperature. Analysed data show emotional index of an area. To be able to process all function accurately, the QEHeC has an automatically adjustable stander that adjusts its position according to height of each measured person. The device has a smart aromatization and disinfecting unit that starts spreading disinfection when it detects a person with a higher temperature.

Contact: info@samoeurope.com

Webpage: https://samoeurope.com/

Sensoneo, global provider of smart waste management solutions (HW/SW), which can be found in more than 300 projects on 5 continents and 43 countries, has seen increased interest in smart waste management solutions -obviously, the crisis enhances and drives adoption of innovative technologies. Cities, waste management companies and property managers look for solutions that could help them cope with the current challenges – standard waste production hotspots have moved, households and residential areas have become the new hot spots. Higher consumption of protective equipment and longer stay at home has led to a 25% increase in waste production. Sensoneo has developed and offers Waste Collection Efficiency Analysis to help cities and waste collection companies to cope with the worsening waste situation. The Analysis evaluates efficiency of the current set-up, simulates and models impacts of eventual changes and suggests new collection routes and frequencies.

Contact: info@sensoneo.com

Webpage: https://sensoneo.com/waste-management-solution/

Solved – Finnish-Slovak provider of customizable white-label platform for creating marketplaces in the area of sustainability and smart cities has provided its platform for the project www.ready.help free of charge. This way medical volunteers could have been affectively connected for volunteering in hospitals and other medical institutions around the country. During the first week, 1400 volunteers could have connected and started help in more than 60 hospitals.

Contact: https://www.solved.fi/

Webpage: https://www.solved.fi/

There, s.r.o. – start-up providing geospatial platform for real estate agencies and other real estate professional in nine European metropolises has offered its headline product City Performer for 3 months for free (since beginning of the corona crises). After the months for free it has been offering the platform with > 50 % discount in order to enable their customers to cope with negative impacts of the COVID19 crises.

Contact: info@there.digital

Webpage: https://there.digital/#home, https://cityperformer.com/

Are you interested in what is happening in the world of waste in the times of Covid-19? Who could be more competent to answer this question than the leader in providing smart waste management solutions in more than forty countries on five continents? This as well as a couple of other questions we got answered by Andrea Basilova, co-founder, of Sensoneo. Their solutions won over twenty various prestigious national and international prizes and recognitions, beginning in 2015 with the finale of national Start-Up Awards. Some of the last wins are the PropTech Start-Up Europe 2018 Award or the Innovation World Cup Series Smart territory digital challenges 2019.

In a recent podcast with you, we could hear the amazing story of how you came up with the idea to start smart waste management and, actually, who invented the first smart waste management sensor in your company. Can we repeat it here?

Yes, certainly. We came to the idea by chance. Namely, in our pub, which is not our core business, but we like it there very much. There, during a discussion with a friend of ours, we heard about a problem in Nitra – one of the pioneering cities installing new semi-underground disposal containers in Slovakia. The city was not able to monitor when these containers were filled and very often special garbage trucks with hydraulic hands were being sent there when the containers were half empty. Thus, lots of money was being thrown into the air. The city was looking for a solution all over Europe. Interesting thing was that they did not find any solution.

My husband has a strong IT and technological background and he was managing large IT projects at that time. But here, we were missing a sensor. Within our extended family, we have an uncle who is a very skilled hardware maker. At that time, he had been repairing scales in TESCO but was made redundant. And this gentleman made the first prototype of our sensor. This is an amazing realization that after all when a number of sensors developed in different parts of the globe are being tested and rated by large Universities like Cambridge, they evaluate the sensor made by our gentleman as the best one. Of course, we later on finetuned it within our technological team, but at the beginning he was the big brain, the lone soldier who in his cottage studied all the materials in English that he did not even know well and he put it together.

At the beginning, the sensor was big like a shoe box but we had an enormous advantage in a customer who needed it desperately and who thus checked it, tested it, evaluated it and thanks to that we were able to quickly deliver a smaller prototype that was working. Later, we added transmission of data through IoT network that was very big novelty then and still is now. There are few solutions available on the market globally.

So, this was the beginning.

Then, in 2015, I signed our solution for the first national start-up award without even letting my husband know. Looking back, I wonder why they chose us for the semi-finals because at that time we were not even able to describe in a nutshell what we had to offer. We had a product but no marketing. We only had a first paying customer. But this proved to be the perfect thing because many projects are done the other way round. They think about what the market might perhaps need and then they develop something but they do not have any customer. And in the bootcamp for semi-finalists where they have mentors, investors and other business people, who can ask you good questions and give you advice they asked us how big the potential market was. And we started to think – oh boy – it seemed to be a big market. Even if we had not won, right after the competition investors started calling, offering to help us develop the business further and, actually, we started to do the business. At the beginning there were three of us – my husband and I, plus a project manager and software developer in one.

And I started writing about it. I was interested in all the things my husband told me about it. It was ground-breaking, it was Slovak, technologic, it made sense, it had added value, it was a very practical thing and I just started writing about it which is just the very good thing which many start-ups do not have covered at all.

What kind of technologies does Sensoneo use? Do you also use machine learning techniques?

Yes, we use many machine learning applications, but our solutions include sensors, management system, citizen app and smart analytics. They became top-notch from many aspects, features and technologies.

Our ultrasonic smart sensors can monitor any type of waste in containers of various types and sizes. They can provide data in real time and ultrasound sensors proved to be very precise and resilient in bins, where the conditions can be very harsh. They are powered by replaceable batteries. It means we can prolong the life span of sensors rather than throw them away just because the battery is dead. Monitoring frequency depends on customer’s requirements – some set it to measure each 5 minutes, others are OK to receive the info 3 times a day – it depends on purpose. The sensor casing is made from recyclable polyamide optical fibres which makes it very resilient and eco-friendly. Thus, it can work for ten and more years. Our eco-design was recognised as one of circular Innovations of the year within MOVECO project (competition dedicated to supporting and highlighting circular innovations in the region of central Europe).

Sensors can provide many other useful data to cities. Optional features are temperature measurement, GPS position, fire-alarm, tilt alarm and even monitoring of living organisms in bins.

Connectivity of our sensors is not limited to one IoT network; it can be connected to various IoT networks. Actually, Sensoneo was the first commercial installation on NBIoT network in the United States and it was a big success. In Europe, we often use LoRaWan which proved to have many benefits. But we can also use Sigfox, Cat-M or GPRS networks. We conduct all R&D of the sensors in-house.

We also use sophisticated software (Smart Analytics, Smart Route Planning and Smart Management system) with many machine learning applications and tools. They can provide cities and businesses with much more efficient and real data-driven decision making. These analytical tools can result in overall waste collection cost reduction by at least 30% and carbon emission reduction by up to 60% in cities.

Together with global provider of navigation solutions – Sygic we developed special navigation for waste collection companies, which reflects planning and navigation in the most efficient way.

You can also use our mobile app as a citizen for free and if there are data open by the city or responsible waste collection company, you can see where are bins for which kind of waste and also other open parameters – how much they are filled, temperature, even the level of methane or other pollutants. Not every city opens these data but it is a very good tool for providing information to citizens who can then be more actively engaged in improving the waste management system of a city.

I’ve just downloaded the app and it shows me the bins in my district and how much they are filled. How can Sensoneo help in times of COVID-19? What changes do you see in the world of waste and technologies due to corona?

Obviously, the crisis enhances and drives adoption of innovative technologies. Cities, waste management companies and property managers are looking for solutions that could help them cope with the current challenges – standard waste production hotspots have moved, households and residential areas have become the new hot spots. Higher consumption of protective equipment and longer stay at home has led to a 25% increase in waste production. We have developed and offer Waste Collection Efficiency Analysis to help cities and waste collection companies cope with the worsening waste situation. The Analysis evaluates efficiency of the current set-up, simulates and models impacts of possible changes and suggests new collection routes and frequencies. It is very cheap compared to many benefits that it can bring. Cities and waste collection companies will see very quickly how to improve their waste management and reduce cost and carbon footprint significantly.

Thank you very much! These are truly fascinating insights.


Posted: March 19 2020 on Unissu with the following editor’s Note:

This is one of the most complex areas of AI, and certainly AI in real estate: How do we regulate its use, and who is responsible for doing so? Complex not only because regulation needs to constantly match invention, but because the strength and ability of AI in real estate is going to keep moving forward at an amazing rate. Milan Bogár takes on the challenge of trying to figure out who this responsibility should fall to.


It’s awesome where we are in the world of tech… Scary, too. These opposite words from ‘profound’ pop musician will.i.am resounded, said during one of the latest parts of the YouTube series – the Age of A.I. 1.st (How far is too far?).

Will.i.am announces these words before he dares to speak to his own AI twin, created by Soul machines, one of the most advanced companies developing purely digital workforce. Do you want to hire purely digital workforce? No problem. It is not science fiction any more.

Watching the last videos with Sofia, the first AI robot to receive citizenship of a country is, again, as fascinating as it is worrying. I love her sense of humour. Would you believe, that she became a citizen of Saudi Arabia in 2017?

AI as subject of civil rights become reality almost three years ago. Since October 2017, the United Arab Emirates are the first country in the world to have the Ministry of State for Artificial Intelligence. Can we assume that this is the watcher over the watchers that we are looking for?

United Arab Emirates are the first country in the world to have the Ministry of State for Artificial Intelligence

AI inventions can be subject of protected intellectual property. This year, it is 64 years since the term Artificial intelligence was used for the first time. It is unbelievable that, since that time, innovators and researchers have filed patent applications for more than 340,000 AI-related inventions worldwide according to the WIPO.

The increase in computer power, amount of data, and connectedness has brought an enormous boom and new breakthroughs especially in the last decade. More than half of all AI patents in history was filed after 2012. Over the period 2013-16, the most popular functional applications have been those encompassing computer vision (49%) which is critical for instance for self-driving cars or entry and access systems based on face recognition, then natural language processing (14%) and speech processing (13%). The vast majority of these have been attributed to human inventors.

But, inventions can already be autonomously generated by AI and there are several reported cases of applications for patent protection in which the applicant has named an AI application as the inventor!

Then, who is responsible for AI regulating use of AI in real estate specifically? We have various kinds of responsible regulatory authorities across all sectors where AI can be used. There are different regimes for protection of fundamental rights, for intellectual property rights, consumer protection rights, personal data, cybersecurity and different sector specific regulatory regimes related to healthcare, energy, transportation, electronic communications and others.

We have various kinds of responsible regulatory authorities across all sectors where AI can be used…but I did not find one that would tackle the regulation of AI in RE

But, I did not find one that would tackle the regulation of AI in real estate sector specifically. I think it is because real estate is one of the most interdisciplinary sectors and the same authorities are responsible for regulation of AI in real estate as in each of the sectors for which the real estate actually serves.

Authorities responsible for regulating protection of personal data are enforcing compliance with respective personal data obligations related to AI across all sectors. For lawful usage of AI application for processing personal data, it is extremely important the following obligation is adhered to: “Controllers must, at the time when the personal data are obtained, provide the data subjects with further information necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing about the existence of automated decision-making and certain additional information” (Art. 13(2)(f) GDPR).

If the controller is the real estate owner, they must provide the transparent information to all data subjects whenever their data are obtained for processing with assistance of AI. But is it possible in all AI applications?

On 19 February 2020, European Commission has issued long-awaited White Paper on Artificial intelligence – A European approach to excellence and trust.

Here is just a small taster of the very interesting document:

Why an approach to excellence and trust? Excellence because European executives clearly assume that the responsible development and use of AI can be a driving force in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. But they are also aware of the lack of private and public investment and lack of skills in that need to be overcome in order to unleash the excellent force of AI in European union. And trust, because lack of trust is a main factor holding back a broader uptake of AI.

Lack of trust is a main factor holding back a broader uptake of AI.

The Commission believes that “A solid European regulatory framework for trustworthy AI will protect all European citizens and help create a frictionless internal market for the further development and uptake of AI as well as strengthening Europe’s industrial basis in AI.

In the view of the European Commission, the risk-based approach is important for ensuring that the regulatory interventions related to AI are proportionate. In this approach only those AI applications that imply ‘high-risk’ should need new and more strict regulatory requirements encompassing for instance additional testing and certification. Those AI applications that do not imply high-risk should remain entirely subject to already existing EU-rules with possibility of new voluntary labelling. The European Commission proposes easily understandable differentiation criteria as well.

The new requirements for high-risk AI applications could consist of the following key features:

(1) training data (data used for learning AI, need to be reliable, complete, not to result in garbage in – garbage out or otherwise biased or discriminatory decision-making process);

(2) data and record-keeping (to address opacity in potentially problematic actions or decisions by AI systems the underlying processes has to be enable tracing back and transparent verification);

(3) information to be provided (citizens should be clearly informed when they are interacting with an AI system and not a human being and about capabilities and limitations of the AI);

(4) robustness and accuracy (as minimum requirements to come to accurate, reproducible results and dealing with errors or inconsistencies during all life cycle phases);

(5) human oversight (enabling human monitoring, intervention, validation or approval before or after use, or in the design phase of AI applications);

(6) specific requirements for certain particular AI applications, such as those used for purposes of remote biometric identification (possible only if duly justified, proportionate and subject to adequate safeguards).

Finally, the White Paper proposes a European governance structure on AI in the form of a framework for cooperation of competent authorities in EU and member states. This governance structure should avoid fragmentation of responsibilities, increase capacity in Member States, and make sure that Europe equips itself progressively with the capacity needed for testing and certification of AI-enabled products and services.

Despite the lack of real estate perspective in the White Paper, AI applications are clearly becoming one of the most important property technologies in the next decade. This reminds me the objectives of the PropTech House – The Alliance of European PropTech Associations:

“Our objectives: to scale up cross-border collaborations, to standardise the European PropTech markets, to create a legal framework adapted to PropTech, to foster innovation in Real Estate and to facilitate access to funding.”

Specifically, new funding is proposed in Action No. 4 of the White Paper: The Commission and the European Investment Fund will launch a pilot scheme of €100 million in Q1 2020 to provide equity financing for innovative developments in AI. Subject to final agreement on the MFF, the Commission’s intention is to scale it up significantly from 2021 through Invest EU.

The White Paper consultation is open for comments until 19 May 2020 and all PropTech associations and players have good chance to participate as well as all the other stakeholders.

Among the three knowledge partners of the biggest European association for real estate professionals we can find an inspiring geospatial partner. Actually, it is a top-notch online platform called City Performer. Although this knowledge partnership has been going on for about six months and the platform is available in nine European metropolises, including London, a short couple of weeks ago, I myself had no idea about its existence, nor that it would be the result of a partnership with a PropTech start-up. Moreover, I had no idea that the start-up could be based in and operating in Bratislava. The very city that I live in.

Thus, just a couple of weeks ago I introduced myself to Peter Augustin, the COO and one of the two co-founders of company THERE Geospatial Analytics that has created this platform. To make the long story short, I got recommended by a colleague of his girlfriend. Then, over two exciting ZOOM meetings he explained to me the amazing story that I am happy to share with you now. I feel that we all need such optimistic stories in these pandemic times.

Peter, how did you get into the geospatial analytics and software development? You sound and look to be very young. By the way, you are under thirty, aren’t you?

Yes, I am not thirty yet. But I have more than six years’ experience in application and business platform development and various previous working experience that started during my early secondary school time and went on during my University studies. If I remember correctly, I sold my first web page when I was sixteen. Actually, I and a friend who wanted to become a designer. We created and delivered a functioning webpage for a basketball club in Handlova (a small town in central Slovakia), from the first Slovak national basketball league. It was such a success that shortly after we were commissioned to make a webpage for a small construction company.

Does it mean that you have been involved in PropTech since you were sixteen?

No, that was just a webpage. I would say that we started to focus on PropTech more seriously around two years ago with City Performer. Before City Performer I worked as a software and application developer in companies of all possible sizes. I worked in a corporation, then in a smaller company and also for just one man. As soon as I realised that it was not too complicated to create and deliver application development services to other businesses, I started to look for ways to my own business. And about four years ago I found a partner thinking on the same wavelength and we founded our first company Pixwell that focuses on software development of business applications and data analytics. The company There, s.r.o. (Ltd) I founded with another co-operating partner from real estate sphere about two years ago. But as you said, back then, no one here reacted to the word PropTech yet. That is why we focused more on smart city fairs where we were gathering inspiration and strategic partnerships. I would like to highlight one of our Czech co-operating partners and a friend who helped us a lot with his advice. It is Mr. Pavel Vokáč from citythinking company and the Czech Smart City Innovation Institute. He is a well-known international smart city expert.

Could you tell us more about City performer? Why was it created and who is it designed for?

City Performer was created based on demand of our real estate customers, mainly representing agents. They needed to make their staff and customers more perceptive and aware of various local specifics during and after the selling or renting process, which they facilitated. It happens quite often to them that when people decide to rent or buy a property, sooner or later they start discovering various local surprises which would have seriously altered their buying or selling decisions or agreed prices if they had known these surprises before. With City Performer we wanted to give them a tool that would enable them to uncover these hidden factors quickly and at the very beginning of the decision-making process.

In general, we enable them to perceive and take into account six groups of various geospatial factors in a very quick, simple and transparent way at once. They are attributable to living environment, wellbeing (living), mobility, safety, amenities and leisure opportunities. At the end, it is summed-up in one summarising number called urbanism index. But you can see that it includes complex performance of the location evaluated by a number of relevant geospatial data sources. Apart from urbanism index, the city performer provides prognostic data analytics of affordability and availability of various kinds of properties in the city locations and dynamic statistics of their average selling and renting prices. These operations are driven by proprietary AI algorithms which take into account various changing price and income indexes that are attributable to specific city parts as well.

You mention various groups of geospatial data. It must vary from city to city. How do you get access to them in various cities?

It is always a combination of specific open data, private data and city data sets. Here again pays off co-operation with international smart city experts like Mr. Vokáč. There are not so many people who would know and understand these various sources. Some of the data are available for free. Actually, some cities send us open interfaces to some of their open data systems as soon as we ask for them, but some data have to be bought in addition. For instance, safety is evaluated based on statistics of various criminal offences in given city locations and these statistics are not always provided by local police for free. Sometimes the data is gathered and provided by private security agencies who have to cover their costs and want to gain profit. On the other hand, greenery is evaluated based on distance and the extent of green areas in a given location that are readable form open data based on currently available satellite pictures. Air quality can be evaluated in more ways. In cities, there is usually a certain number of measuring stations with exact location, which provide regular measurements of various pollutants and CO2 levels. At the moment we are co-operating with representatives of the European space programme called Copernicus. Some of its missions called Sentinels will give us much more precise and current geospatial information, for example, to evaluate air or water quality in specific locations. Measurement of CO2 concentrations should be made possible via current heat maps visible from space based on the latest observation technologies, accessible instantaneously and thus provided in real time.

Levels of noise in the specific locations can be evaluated in cities in various ways as well. I can demonstrate it on my apartment. (Peter stood up in the middle of his speech, showed me view from his window revealing not much distant highway full of moving cars and pointed to the screen with map of City Performer illustrating the coming noise by red cloud between his apartment and the highway). People should know about such noise when buying or renting their apartment, you see?

I can feel your excitement about the really right things you do with City Performer. The positive emotion in your voice reveals clearly that you love what you do and thus you must be doing a great job. I still do not understand, how it could have happened that even if we had been mapping the Slovak PropTech market thoroughly for about a year and had found more than a hundred active companies, we had missed City Performer that is available in nine European Metropolises?

Yes, I have to admit that we were not exactly focused on marketing or on the local market specifically. We focused more on our cross-border product development and international strategic partnerships that could help to further develop City Performer and place it on the market accordingly. Like the one partnership with CEPI, which covers national associations with more than 300.000 real estate professionals in Europe. Now we can see that not only agents would warmly welcome this geospatial sixth sense, but also architects, developers, property and facility managers. Their customers would find it very useful as well. Its technological and marketing development must go on. For example, we are preparing open interface for real estate companies (open API) in the respective metropolises, which will enable them to apply City Performer directly on their portals.

There, s.r.o. is still a start-up. Are you able to satisfy the increasing demand quickly enough? Aren’t you looking for a strategic investor that could back-up further development and expansion financially and speed up this process significantly?

Yes, we are. We already are in deeper discussions with a very strong strategic investor but it is too soon to reveal any more details.

My last question will be about these pandemic times. How do you perceive this crisis in your companies and how do you cope with it?

We are having a surprisingly good time. Of course, we all know that the economy is going down, but the “U” will turn up at some point and we expect much stronger economy afterwards. At the moment, we feel absolutely flexible even during quarantine. We can work from home-offices even more than before. We do not have to commute at all. Particularly myself, I am able to handle my whole working day with my PC and I like that. We perceive this time of peace as ideal for technological development, especially the development of software and applications that we are so well-versed in in both our teams.


Posted on February 27 2020 with the following editor’s Letter:

We’ve discussed data as a decision-maker, data as a money-saver, even data as a sustainability-enabler, but we haven’t really covered data as force behind creating exciting and vital new products for the real estate market. Thanks to Milan Bogár, that’s all change as he takes us through an interview he recently conducted with Pavol Magic, CEO of Biotron, covering everything from product development to an intentional avoidance of buzzwords.


Last year, at Future: PropTech in London, I noticed a “poor” spot on the European PropTech map, an region where very little activity seemed to be happening. Specifically, it was the small area of Central and Eastern Europe in and around Slovakia, the country I happen to come from.

I was intrigued as to why this gap appeared on the map, but then I discovered there was a distinct language barrier that hindered the global PropTech movement from driving innovations in buildings and cities in this region.

Despite this obvious barrier, however, throughout the whole year I was constantly bumping into interesting players from the region, all with eminent PropTech potential. One such player was Biotron Labs, a data and analytics studio that has mastered the art of turning data into innovative products for people in buildings, cities, and regions. They have also been recently recognised by CIO Applications Europe.

I have to admit, I was impressed by the data analysis solutions for Shell and HB Reavis in Slovakia that Biotron was able to deliver, as well as by the composition of its team, enriched by years of experience from leading global tech players and organisations like Sygic, Avast, Microsoft, CERN, etc. With such team, it is quite easy to predict promising results.

“What we, tech people, should learn first, is to use the same language as our customers”

I first met Pavol Magic, CEO of Biotron, last year at SlovakiaTech, in Košice. I then contacted him again in February this year, in a month symbolically dedicated by Unissu to the theme of data. I thought it would be great if he could share some of his valuable insights into the theme, as so many other great thinkers and writers have done already.

Fortunately, he agreed to share. Some of his answers were gathered during a morning meeting with me and some during very good discussion on FutureNow Tuesday evening Vol. 43 about data-driven spaces held on the same day, in Bratislava, where Pavol was one of the speakers:

What kind of data could be used in buildings, cities and regions to improve their management and administration?
“With virtually all data gathered from various sources, systems, people, devices, and so on, Biotron is able to use more than twenty publicly or privately accessible datasets available in a country. E.g. from state and city monitoring systems for transportation, mobile operators, providers of mobile applications or customers themselves.

“Parts of this data even enable backward analysis. The level of their reliability can differ, but all together can provide a very solid database. But, we are then able to add any further relevant data into the analysis from all kinds of sensors inspecting movement of people, quality of the air, energy consumption, water, etc.

“Of course, the must of any analysis, especially when monitoring movement of people, is strict compliance with protection of their personal data and privacy policy. But Biotron also provides consulting for organisations to ensure compliance with GDPR and other data privacy regulations. For increased security in data collection and utilisation, we are able to provide blockchain solution creating immutable chain of records.”

“You should not try to hit the nails just because you own a hammer”

In what ways can your data analysis solutions help buildings and cities?
“There are so many usage cases that naming them all would be too distracting. That is why we need to hear the actual pain points of each respective customer, that’s what we focus on. You should not try to hit the nails just because you own a hammer.

“But one of our preferred solutions is Mobilyze that helps municipalities make data-driven decisions based on the movement patterns of people. It enables more reasonable transport and city planning, wiser location of housing zones, commercial centres, logistic or industrial zones, scheduling infrastructure maintenance and so on.

“It also has a feature making it possible to reward people for using preferred means of transportation. One of the main visions of the company from the beginning was to start sharing part of the revenue generated by data driven decisions with people, whose data could be used for the underlying analysis.”

In Košice, I was surprised by the fact that blurred buzzwords like artificial intelligence and blockchain were missing in your presentation despite the fact that Biotron won the CESA award for being the best blockchain start-up in Slovakia the year before, so…

Why do you avoid mentioning the various buzzword technologies that you are so well-versed in?
“The problem with buzzwords like ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘blockchain’ is that they are very distracting for anyone with less-than-expert knowledge, which accounts for many of those who are sitting in state or city administration offices and are deciding which smart solutions will be selected and procured in the city, building, etc.

“That is also the problem of the whole smart city movement in Slovakia: it is being driven by many tech companies that usually push their solutions for smart buildings and cities via technocratic presentations, which are full of buzzwords, complex graphs of all available sensors and, in the end, you miss one important thing: the people they should be working to serve in the first place. What we, tech people, should learn first, is to use the same language as our customers.”

Despite this, do you believe that we will have real smart cities in, let’s say, ten or twenty years?
The problem with buzzwords is that they are very distracting for anyone with less-than-expert knowledge, which accounts for many of those who are sitting in state or city administration offices…deciding which solutions will be procured

“Yes, but it won’t simply be a result of technology roll outs that cities become smarter. People living in the cities must be smarter, too.

“They should utilise the technologies more wisely and understand the identified bottlenecks. If all the smart analytical tools show that traffic jams can be solved by more frequent usage of public transportation, but all people continue to use more and more individual cars, the problem will still not be resolved.”

What plans does Biotron have for the future? Does the .io in the name of your webpage mean that you want to expand to Indonesia and Oceania?
“No, it is an abbreviation for input-output, but that is a good point. Maybe once we have provided some of our services in other markets like Europe, Africa, among other regions, especially seems to have very promising markets with very big potential for development thanks to utilisation of our services. They could easily leapfrog many years of development and avoid many mistakes that happened in more developed countries like ours.”

Posted January 22 on Unissu with the following editor’s Note:
If we are to achieve the necessarily ambitious carbon emission goals currently being rolled out by the world’s nations, it’s going to take extraordinary levels of collaboration and coordination between private and public organisations. But what does this collaboration look like? How does it come about? And who is overseeing and advising the progress to ensure all efforts are heading in the required direction? Milan Bogár, makes his return to Unissu Themes to lay it all out for us. 


Sustainability is my personal favourite ‘Why’ with regards to my wanting to support PropTech development wisely. I fully realised it during the World Workplace Meets Facility for the Future (WWMFF) conference in Amsterdam last year, after which we visited the impressive new-generation smart building Olympic Edge. This unobtrusive building offers so many unique sustainable and technological solutions, stirring healthy and productive emotions that are certainly worth spreading worldwide.

What else, apart from sustainability, should we support more? Without sustainability there will be neither sustainable property business nor business at all, without doubt. When global climate development trajectories are indicating such bad predictions it becomes clear that without change in overall human behaviour, including the whole society, PropTech alone will not save us. Do not get me wrong, I believe PropTech can significantly increase our chances in many ways, but not all by itself, for sure.

Without sustainability there will be neither sustainable property business nor business at all, without doubt.

Only long-lasting collaborative culture, engaging the whole society, can lead to us successfully coping with the global challenges of sustainability. With the adoption of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 subsequent targets the whole society collaboration, including public-private partnerships, became even more prominent. If compared with the UN millennium goal for 2000-2015, mainly directed at governments and developing countries, SDGs for 2016-2030 are directed at all countries and many more stakeholders than just governments, including the private sector. Forming the public-private partnerships and enabling the participation of all relevant stakeholders and citizens is the crucial difference.

But how to ensure the essential collaborative culture?

In October, we were able to watch, in Slovakia, the presentation of Rhonda Binda from New York, who is a very experienced professional with international background and a track-record of helping a number of sustainable smart cities, regions and communities. She pointed out several success factors for building successful and sustainable communities. In her opinion, these are usually built around public private partnerships that not only include the public sector and, of course, the private sector, but also community groups and academia.

First of all, it is community engagement, where all community stakeholders, especially leaders, need to be involved on every necessary step of the way. The stakeholders must share the same core values, vision, and mission.
The second success factor lies on three technology and infrastructure pillars supporting up to 100% connectivity enabling deployment of all the needed technologies, 100% mobility and 100% resiliency including sustainability.
The third critical success factor lies in policy and funding, where establishing a venture fund financed by the state, city, or private partners is recommended. Policy should be supported by passing progressive regulations supporting sustainability while all factors should become conscious via proper education across the whole community and related generations.

Last but not least, Rhonda encouraged us to look at usage of global platforms like the one used by the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC), a global initiative focused on facilitation and a smooth transition to smart sustainable cities. U4SSC serves as a global platform to advocate for public policy and to encourage the use of ICTs to facilitate and ease the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 11, i.e. make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

U4SSC uses a platform facilitating collaboration called Solved Together. It was developed and is operated by company called Solved. With the help of the Solved Together platform (Platform as a Services), and thus without the need to develop its own solution, U4SSC was able to launch its branded and customised marketplace instantly and got access to on-demand expert advice and an agile workforce to tackle complex challenges and help create sustainable smart cities.

“Without change in overall human behaviour, PropTech alone will not save us”

With regard to collaboration with governments, last week, I got a newsletter containing a teaser to a very interesting report on E-governance Global Industry Landscape Overview 2019. The report describes two models of cooperation between GovTech start-ups and the governments.

The first one is ‘open’, typical for start-ups, SME enterprises, innovators, and entrepreneurs that are invited by governments to contribute their technologies and ideas. This model is stemming from the notion of GovTech as local phenomenon with its own policy, population, diversity, stability, etc. and also the tech companies are predominantly local.

The second one is ‘closed’ (or traditional) and it is based on building the public sector systems in-house or by large IT corporations. In the closed model, the government develops the services and IT corporations and start-ups provide the tools. Selection of the specific models depends on the priorities and the approach of each government, whether it is global or local.

Where can GovTech and PropTech overlap? Overlapping services can be seen in all 4 GovTech areas illustrated in the report:

E-government with widening digital tools from e-identity to e-participation encompassing transparent e-information, e-consultations positively impacting the whole urban planning and construction process up to e-decision-making, etc.
Smart city with numerous sensors and disaster monitoring, energy savings, waste management, etc.
CrimeTech encompassing cyber security, smart recognition and identification, etc. and Government management focused on longevity technologies as a priority, e-health, e-schools, various sensors and IoT technologies as well.
All in all, GovTech constitutes a driver of change inducing governments to reimagine themselves, their functions, and relationships with citizens ensuring sustainable future as well as PropTech should constitute a driver of change for construction and real estate sector.

Although GovTech and PropTech are not the same, there can be seen a relevant overlap. Sensoneo (smart waste management), the winner of the Proptech Start-Up Europe Award, was placed among 100 global GovTechs and Martin Basila, CEO of Sensoneo, was ranked among 40 GovTech influencers of 2019 according to the report. It seems a very good example of successful collaborative culture on Sensoneo’s part. Congratulations.

Posted on September 24 2019 on Unisu

Posted on August 28 2019 on Unissu
Slovak PropTech market has a number of promising players. Not to leave it in a hidden galaxy for us and the rest of the PropTech world, the goal of this article is to introduce the market in a structured view. Because it is evolving and I do not possess any magic glass ball, naturally, this snapshot cannot be exhaustive. However, I am convinced that it offers some interesting opportunities. Anyone who cares is welcome to fill possible gaps through feedback.

For the sake of clarity, I find it pertinent to work with the five PropTech categories used by PropTech House in its free e-book. In this article, I focus on Vol. 1 – Smart real estate, covering two categories: 1. Live & Work and 2. Manage & Operate, although the boundaries among all five categories are far from definite and instead, frequently blend together. In Vol. 2 I would like to introduce more developed FinTech and ConTech parts of Slovak real estate market, corresponding to categories 3. Finance & Invest, 4. Design & Build, 5. Market & Transact.

Vol. 1 – Smart real estate
1. Live and Work

I have already mentioned several players in smart real estate. For me, the current trends in this category are best grasped by HB Reavis with its Symbiosy concept of smart offices (B2B) and by more B2C oriented scale-up Domotron.

In smart home segment (B2C), competing complex solutions are offered mainly through Smarterhome by hascon which offers smart home solutions based on appliances of various brands. Among other brands, hascon is the official FIBARO distributor for Slovakia. FIBARO is a very innovative and successful Polish brand. HomeSystem offers it as well. Both companies, hascon and Homesystem are members of Z-Wave Alliance associating more than 600 various smart home brands and businesses. Antik Telecom has a different strategy of inventing and offering its own smart home product line. Simpler smart home solutions, typically without more extensive possibilities of choosing from different HW or SW are also being offered by traditional telecommunication operators, such as Magenta home by Telekom, Modern living by Slovanet, O2 Smart Box by O2, or by gas and electricity suppliers, such as SPP smart home or Intelligent household offered by ZSE.

As regards smart offices and smart buildings I feel it necessary to highlight a start-up by name of Biotron. The company provides collection of data from various sources of its customers and adds sophisticated automated analysis of the collected data. Then, based on the analysis proceeds further with actions and decisions which can also be related to smart offices. Biotron won CESAward for being the best new start-up of 2018. I am looking forward to seeing Biotron at Green-Tech session during SlovakiaTech in Kosice on 9 October 2019.

Another successful start-up, eDocu – winner of the Central European Start-Up Awards as best IoT start-up in Slovakia of 2017 and 2018, also provides various smart company solutions. eDocu has been a partner of ASSECO Group since 2014. Asseco Central Europe is the second biggest software house in Slovakia with more than 600 IT developers under its roof. OMS, originally the biggest Slovak producer and developer of lights and lighting systems, has in recent years developed and now offers quite an impressive smart product line including smart offices, smart exhibition stands or smart classrooms. When talking about smart exhibition stands, OMS had a very impressive one at URBIS Smart City Fair in Brno in June this year. It was 400 square meters and epitomised its complex smart city offer by the name of CitySys. But smart city is a bit more complex category than smart office or smart building.

Smart city

When talking about smart real estate, we should not omit the part where the real estate owner is a city, a town, a village or another public authority. Many other players are willing to be involved in the development of this real estate part. Together, these players represent rather impressive technological potential that could be capitalized on in other PropTech categories as well.

When talking about smart real estate, we should not omit the part where the real estate owner is a city, a town, a village or another public authority.

I must mention two associations able to deliver integrated smart city solutions in Slovakia that can serve as inspiration for other buildings, cities or countries. Necessary to add that creating consortiums is often a precondition for funding smart solutions, especially when the funding is public (e.g. Horizon 2020 plans to open a third call with 55 mil. budget on 3 September 2020 for Smart Cities and Communities and again, with this precondition).

The first association I am about to highlight has a Slovak name of Chcem smart mesto which means “I want Smart city”. It comprises seven inspirational players with scalable smart offerings that together cover various smart city features. Five of them are Slovak-based, two are Czech-based.

1. Waste management company Sensoneo with solutions that won several prestigious Start-Up competitions including PropTech Start-Up Europe 2018 Award or Smart territory digital challenges 2019 in the Innovation World Cup Series.

2. Sygic has been developing and providing smart mobile navigation, fleet and parking solutions for several years already and has a portfolio of around 200 million users worldwide.

3. Seak brings smart lightning solutions in a number of European countries as well as Israel and India.

4. Gospace has invented smart parking IoT solutions that are provided in more than 22 countries.

5. ParkDots is a smart parking and fintech solution by PosAm that was included among the world’s top solutions during the 8th Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona in 2018.

6. Smart city integrating platform in this association is provided by a Czech innovator Invipo, the winner of Intertraffic Innovation Awards 2016 and Smart City Service Awards 2017.

7. Analyses based on advanced algorithms of machine learning from data gathered from all smart metering sensors are safeguarded by another Czech innovator, Microft Mind.

The second association by name of Slovak Smart City Cluster (SSCC) is more complex and bets on a functioning triangle of collaboration among all smart city stakeholders – entrepreneurs, cities and other parties such as universities and other supporting and non-profit organisations. SSCC is composed of 21 members, including twelve larger Slovak enterprises. Majority of them work with core participation of foreign capital, though a few are purely Slovak. Members include four Slovak cities, three universities, one local incubator and one foreign agency. The twelve companies are SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SLOVAKIA, Atos IT Solutions and Services , innogySolutions, Slovanet, KOOR, FIN.M.O.S., Cisco Systems Slovakia, KEDROS, Engie Services, ZSE, Sensus Slovensko, OMS. (F)ITcubator, n.o. is a non-profit organisation that was originally established for support and development of young talented IT people from the region below High Tatra Mountains. Recently, it received funding from European Social fund for project “Smart concepts in management of local and regional development” of the regional city of Trenčín. One of its five founding partners, mvi, develops and integrates IT systems, internet portals and smart mobile applications for hotels, cities/tourism, schools and energy. KOTRA is Korean Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, which is important in Slovakia, because a few of global Korean companies, such as KIA and Samsung with dozens of their suppliers have heavily invested in their industrial parks in Slovakia. Smart cities have a big potential of either creating even more effective conditions for supplying their inputs or becoming buyers of their technologies.

Only four cities are members of SSCC, though further eight cities and municipalities are members of Smart Cities Klub (SCU) association that has signed a memorandum on cooperation with SSCC. SCU also cooperates with other smart city associations, including two Scandinavian, and many state authorities. The vast majority of Slovak cities and smaller municipalities are not members of these associations. Their only co-ordinating association is Association of Cities and Municipalities of Slovakia (ZMOS) or none. The regional city of Nitra has an original smart city strategy based on open participation of its citizens and other stakeholders. Last year, the capital city of Bratislava approved its Concept of Smart City Bratislava 2030 as well.

2. Manage & Operate

This category of Slovak PropTech market is relatively stable. I noticed two start-ups in recent years in B2B segment. The first one has been eDocu with its smart company product line including asset and facility management. The second start-up is Verde Group that provides automation in management and operation of property based on smart platform Ausemio. Other players with their asset, facility, and property management platforms have been present here for much longer time, including the Czech provider Alstanet. However, new automated IoT solutions have recently been developed by some of them. eNGIE introduced a complex automated smart metering and operation solution based on various IoT networks and its analytical software C3NTINEL encompasses advanced machine learning algorithms. eIoT consortium of companies Chastia, Koor and AmiNet was created with the purpose to provide another IoT solution leading to more efficient facility and energy management. Further stable players are present in B2C segment focused on management and operation of flats and blocks of flats. One of the most innovative companies in this segment is Anasoft which has come up with an advanced system Domus. With regard to other players I see a greater deal of opportunities for innovation as majority of Slovak families live in blocks of flats.

Here is a highlight of four upcoming events connected with smart real estate:

1. Trend conference Smart City 2019 on 24 September 2019 in Bratislava.

2. International SlovakiaTech Forum and Expo on 8-10 October 2019 in Kulturpark Košice.

3. The program and dynamics of the 5th Annual Smart Workspace Design Summit & Expo 2019 on 17-18 October 2019 in Amsterdam seem very attractive. Although it is not in my conference calendar this year, I must admit that I would love to read about experiences from this event or its site visits. The opportunity to meet there facility manager from Burj Khalifa, or head of smart workspace from LEGO or vice-president from Cirque du Soleil seem very promising. This event is organised by a Slovak-based company Fleming trainings.

4. ITAPA – the biggest international congress in Slovakia devoted to IT in public administration including artificial intelligence, smart cities and regions, cybersecurity, eGovernment, effective public administration, smart healthcare. It is held annually in autumn (this year on 12-13 November) with partnership of the biggest IT Partners of public sector in Slovakia. ITAPA has a spring edition as well.

Conference Building of Smart Cities and Regions already took place on 18 June, with further important smart city players to be seen there. For example Finnish-Slovak company Solved introduced its international platform for wide virtual co-operation of various smart city experts. JRK Slovensko introduced smart waste monitoring solution which records waste in every household, and the previously-mentioned CvikerAR introduced its augmented reality platform as a smart communication tool of cities with its citizens.

To sum up, there are around 51 active technological companies in Slovak smart real estate. Majority, around 28 are purely B2B oriented, 19 focus on both B2B and B2C, and only four are purely B2C oriented. It is up for discussion how many of them are true PropTech players that bring digital transformation to the Slovak real estate market and how many of them provide just digitalization or just digitization of some traditional real estate services. For now, I am happy to write that they all are ready to add value that was not here before their digital services had come.

(Tento článok vyšiel pôvodne v anglickom jazyku na https://www.unissu.com/proptech-resources/Slovak-PropTech-Market-Surprisingly-Promising)

Hoci víťaz európskej súťaže PropTech start-upov (PropTech Europe Award 2018), Sensoneo, je technologická spoločnosť založená na Slovensku, nie je dostupných veľa informácií o iných slovenských PropTech hráčoch alebo PropTech trhu v našej malej krajine s približne 5 mil. obyvateľov.

Naša spoločnosť, AS Property, zaoberajúca sa správou nehnuteľností (property managementom) sídli v Bratislave, hlavnom meste Slovenska. Už dlhší čas mapujeme miestny trh s technológiami pre property a facility management. Keďže sme organizovali niekoľko výberových konaní, začali sme spolupracovať aj s viacerými dodávateľmi. Napriek tomu sme nepoznali veľa poskytovateľov zameraných na tieto technológie, a preto sme ich začali aktívnejšie vyhľadávať aj v zahraničí.

Keď sme sa v marci tohto roka zúčastnili konferencie „World Workplace Meets Facility for the Future“[1] v Amsterdame, boli sme nadšení vysokou technickou úrovňou konferencie samotnej. Už týždne pred konferenciou, sme sa mohli prihlásiť na konkrétne prednášky alebo workshopy až 4 paralelných programov. Umožňovali to dobre fungujúce webové a mobilné aplikácie, vďaka ktorým sme mohli nadviazať kontakt s prednášajúcimi a ďalšími účastníkmi. Spolu s možnosťou sledovania programu konferencie, sťahovania prezentácií a hodnotenia prednášajúcich cez mobilnú aplikáciu to veľmi zvýšilo úroveň našej užívateľskej skúsenosti… Priamo na konferencii boli prezentované ukážky digitálnych technológií a vízie ich nasadzovania svetoznámych prednášajúcich ako James Dearsley, Nancy Rademaker, ako aj ďalších, a tak isto veľmi zaujímavé súťažné prezentácie PropTech start-upov. PropTech bolo intenzívne cítiť počas celej konferencie ako nejaký zázračný nástroj so schopnosťou vyriešiť všetky naše problémy z oblasti facility a property managementu ako napr. vplyv globálneho otepľovania a s tým spojenú udržateľnejšiu spotrebu energií, znižovanie uhlíkovej stopy, ale aj efektívne parkovanie, obsadenosť pracovných priestorov, meranie a nastavovanie vnútorného prostredia, a vplyvu na zlepšovanie pocitu zdravia, či zamestnaneckej a zákazníckej skúsenosti. To všetko nás tak nadchlo, že v nás vznikla potreba PropTech rozvinúť aj na Slovensku. Návšteva inteligentnej budovy (smart building) budúcej generácie, Olympic Edge, s prezentáciou fantastického Woutera Truffina o budúcich trendoch posilnila naše PropTech nadšenie ešte viac.

Na naše prekvapenie, keď sme prišli domov a začali hovoriť o PropTechu s ľuďmi a spoločnosťami, o ktorých sme si boli istí, že reprezentujú slovenskú PropTech scénu, nikto to slovo nepoznal. Dokonca ani etablovaní poskytovatelia IT riešení pre property a facility management, ako ani poskytovatelia riešení Internetu vecí (IoT) v inteligentných budovách (smart buildings), a pod. Dostávali sme od nich otázky typu “Čože? PropTech? Povedzte to ešte raz…” Až keď sme vysvetlili, že “PropTech” je vo svete slovo označujúce moderné “Property Technológie”, ako sú napr. aj tie, ktoré dodávajú oni, až potom pochopili. Keď sme naťukali “PropTech” do vyhľadávača v realitnej online sekcii najpopulárnejšieho ekonomického periodika v krajine, výsledky ukázali nulu. Tak sme si najskôr museli priznať, že slovo “PropTech” nie je na Slovensku veľmi známe. A začali sme sledovať slovenský trh inak (aspoň na základe iných kľúčových slov :o). Prišli sme na to, že na Slovensku existuje množstvo dobre fungujúcich, ak nie PropTech, tak aspoň poskytovateľov s veľkým PropTech potenciálom, asociácií, konzorcií, start-upov, dokonca inšpirujúcich podujatí, hoci žiadne z nich sa neprezentuje priamo ako „PropTech”. Tu je sedem príkladov podujatí len z posledných 2-3 mesiacov:

1. Na Property Fóre v Bratislave (2. apríl), sme stretli dva slovenské start-upy: Cviker a Gospace. V posledných rokoch Cviker vyvinul platformu rozšírenej reality (Augmented Reality – AR), ktorá je schopná zobrazovať 3D návrhy stavieb v reálnom priestore. Využívať ju môžu všetci účastníci súkromných alebo verejných plánovacích a stavebných konaní, developerských procesov, či ich pripomienkovania. Veríme, že táto platforma má veľký potenciál aj na širšom realitnom trhu, najmä pre miestne ohliadky s navrhovanými zmenami stavieb, alebo zmenami vnútorného, či vonkajšieho designu. Gospace zase vyvinul riešenie parkovania pre inteligentné mestá (smart cities), ktoré v čase konania fóra už mal zavedené v 12 krajinách a táto spoločnosť pracuje aj na ďalších inteligentných riešeniach. Fórum bolo organizované maďarským Property fórom, ktoré podobné fóra organizuje každoročne už v 10 krajinách strednej a východnej Európy.

2. Na Bratislavskom realitnom fóre (16. apríl) sme stretli ďalší zaujímavý slovenský start-up. Platforma Ausemio vyvinutá spoločnosťou Verde Group, s.r.o. je takisto inteligentná, užívateľsky priateľská platforma na automatický manažment správy budov. Poskytuje rýchly a jednoducho prispôsobiteľný systém pre automatizovaný facility management, SLA manažment, nahlasovanie porúch a technickú podporu spolu s mobilnou službou riešenia porúch a možnosťou napojenia na inteligentné riešenia s internetom vecí. Okrem Ausemia sme v panely fóra o moderných trendoch v zariaďovaní kancelárií mali možnosť vidieť jednu inteligentnú budovu HB Reavis v Bratislave (Twin city) s viac ako 100 senzormi na jednom poschodí. Popri tom, že HB Reavis je jedným z vedúcich developerov na Slovensku, je tiež jedným z tých najinovatívnejších, pre životné prostredie najudržateľnejších a pre človeka najzdravších budov na Slovensku. Napr. v júni 2019, HB Reavis predal svoju Twin City Tower v Bratislave. Táto budova vyhrala niekoľko prestížnych cien tak v zahraničí (napr. niekoľko CIJ Awards) ako aj domácu cenu Stavba roka. Vyhrala tiež cenu za najvýraznejší čin v oblasti udržateľnej architektúry a výstavby. Je to v súčasnosti jediný projekt na Slovensku ašpirujúci na BREEAM Outstanding ako aj WELL certifikát. Táto budova bola predaná za 120 miliónov Eur juhokórejskému inštitucionálnemu investorovi zastúpenému Valesco Group s AIP Asset Managementom.

3. HB Reavis bol tiež jedným z odborných partnerov medzinárodnej konferencie “Udržateľnosť v architektúre a stavebníctve” (25. apríl) organizovanej Slovenskou radou pre zelené budovy a vydavateľstvom Eurostav v Bratislave.

4. Na zatiaľ najväčšom slovenskom festivale technológií a inovácií, IXPO, ktorý mal tohto roku premiéru (26. – 28. apríl) v Bratislave, bolo asi 50 technologických lídrov herného priemyslu, finančných technológií (FinTech), telekomunikácií, vedy, developmentu a iných zástupcov súkromného a verejného sektora. Na tomto mieste sme narazili na príjemný stánok a prezentácie ďalšieho slovenského PropTech start-upu, alebo skôr už scale-upu, Domotronu. Po získaní investície od Bohemian Venture Capital v r. 2017 sa Domotron dostal na zoznam elity európskych start-upov s odhadovanou hodnotou 29 mil. USD. Tento rok táto spoločnosť predpokladá ďalšie investičné kolo z fondov, ktoré majú byť použité na rozvoj štandardizovaného rezidenčného riešenia inteligentnej domácnosti (smart home), ktoré bude schopné komplexne automatizovať smart home riešenie so všetkými smart zariadeniami dobre známych značiek. Okrem iných technológií, ktoré sa na IXPO odprezentovali, sme mali možnosť zažiť jeden z najviac virtuálne prepracovaných developerských projektov v Európe – EUROVEA CITY. Je to projekt ďalšej z vedúcich slovenských developerských spoločností JTRE, ktorý umožnil virtuálny zážitok prechádzky po promenáde a virtuálny výhľad z prvého obývateľného mrakodrapu na Slovensku – EUROVEA TOWER, ktorý by mal byť dokončený v roku 2022.

V máji sa na Slovensku obyčajne konajú dve ďalšie podujatia s PropTech potenciálom, obe v slávnom Aquacity mesta Poprad:

5. Metro Online 2019 (13.-17. máj) organizované 3. krát Slovak Smart City Cluster (má už 21 členov),

6. Energy Camp 2019 (30. – 31. máj) organizované slovenskými spoločnosťami Thermoklima a Chastia.

Kvôli načasovaniu Future Proptech v Londýne sme tento rok prepásli Metro Online, ale priatelia nám hovorili, že to bolo fantastické 5 dňové podujatie s asi 100 atraktívnymi prednášajúcimi z 11 krajín vrátane expertov na riešenia smart city a internetu vecí (IoT) v rôznych sektoroch, rozšírenú realitu (augmented reality -AR), kybernetickú bezpečnosť (napr. expert z FBI na obranu pred kybernetickými útokmi), kybernetické meny, blockchain technológiu, atď. Partneri konferencie z telekomunikačného a energetického sektora vrátane najväčších národných telekomunikačných operátorov ako Telekom, Orange a Slovanet s ich IoT sieťami a riešeniami naznačovali trhové ambície a možné obraty aj z týchto sektorov. Ale stihli sme Energy Camp a potešila nás najmä sekcia o IT a IoT, v ktorej prednášajúci zo spoločností Engie, Koor, Chastia a APLI prezentovali svoje smart a IoT riešenia efektívneho energetického manažmentu.

7. Dni facility managementu (3. – 4. jún), konferencia organizovaná každoročne SAFM (Slovenská asociácia facility managementu) privítala ďalších zaujímavých potenciálnych PropTech hráčov, napr. Kodys Slovensko so svojím softvérom pre správu majetku EVIDEI, SimpleCell so svojou národnou bezdrôtovou sieťou internetu vecí (sigFox operátor) prezentoval riešenia využiteľné vo Facility Managemente a Michal Pasiar, riaditeľ Acrea a prezident BIM asociácie Slovensko mal veľmi peknú prezentáciu o správe budovy prostredníctvom jej digitálnej dvojičky.

Okrem týchto siedmych miestnych podujatí sme tento rok navštívili Future Proptech v Londýne. Večer pred podujatím si mohli návštevníci užiť drink na privítanie v HubHube (co-workingový koncept HB Reavis) v ich budove na Farrington Street. Okrem veľmi intenzívneho a preplneného podujatia nabitého pozitívnou energiou najvplyvnejších predstaviteľov svetového PropTechu, innovatívnych ukážok, start-upovského súťaženia a pod. nás nadchla živá prezentácia Tomáša Meliška, šéfa strategických projektov HB Reavis, ktorá ukázala, ako v Symbiosy inteligentné kancelárie HB Reavis v Bratislave dokážu zlepšiť zamestnaneckú skúsenosť svojich zamestnacov. Vďaka dostatočnému internetovému pripojeniu (Wi-Fi), množstvu dobre pracujúcich vonkajších a vnútorných senzorov, kamier a inteligentných zariadení spojených cez internet vecí a jednu cloud platformu, mohli byť komplexné pracovné podmienky zamestnancov v Bratislave monitorované, analyzované a zlepšené online niekoľkými klikmi počas živej prezentácie v Londýne.

A vďaka stánku Unissu a prítomnosti Jamesa Dearsleyho a jeho tímu v neprehliadnuteľných modrých mikinách sme našli, čo sme hľadali najviac. Globálnu PropTech platformu využiteľnú pre lokálne trhy na vyhľadávanie PropTech riešení, dodávateľov, článkov, videí, podujatí, možnosti získavania zdrojov, investovania, výberových konaní a trhových analýz. Odvtedy ju testujeme a zdá sa to byť veľmi užitočná platforma. Myslíme, že bude dobré založiť s Unissu dlhodobejšiu spluprácu, aby globálne PropTech služby mohli byť porovnávané s miestnymi a naopak. Možno budeme potrebovať naučiť trh používať slovo „PropTech, napr. napísať pár vysvetľujúcich článkov, ako je tento a zorganizovať pár podujatí zameraných na Proptech . Ale veríme, že sa to oplatí tak pre celý slovenský realitný trh ako aj pre ten svetový, pretože zjavne aj Slovensko má čo ponúknuť svetu.

A na záver, ešte jedno zistenie, od 8. do 10. októbra bude ďalšie veľké medzinárodné podujatie SlovakiaTech Forum a Expo, tentokrát v druhom najväčšom slovenskom meste Košice. Bude tam vyše 1000 inovátorov a viac ako 100 prednášajúcich zo všetkých možných sektorov, pričom webová reklama vyzdvihuje FinTech, BioTech, GreenTech, EduTech, HealthTech, TelcoTech, smart supply, LogisticTec, atď., ale … PropTech stále chýba alebo sa niekde skrýva a cítim, že je vhodný čas to zmeniť.

[1] Preklad názvu konferencie znamená niečo ako „Svetové pracovisko stretáva zariadenie pre budúcnosť“, v skutočnosti ide o spojenie dvoch úspešných konferencií s názvom:

1. „World Wokrplace“ (Svetové pracovisko) Medzinárodnej asociácie facility managementu (IFMA) a

2. „Facility for the Future“ (Zariadenia pre budúcnosť) Holandskej neziskovej organizácie facility managementu (FMN).

Takto spojená konferencia sa navyše konala pod záštitou svetoznámej britskej kráľovskej inštitúcie pre realitných profesionálov (RICS)

Tento článok pôvodne vyšiel na odbornom portáli ASB (Architektúra-Stavebníctvo-Business)

Facility management musí byť neustále súčasný, aktuálny a inovatívny, aby dokázal zabezpečovať v organizáciách rovnováhu ich základných činností s prebiehajúcimi spoločenskými, demografickými, klimatickými a technologickými zmenami.

V jednej z najinovatívnejších zelených budov sveta Olympic Edge v Amsterdame sa podlaha na prízemí realizovala recykláciou obvodového plášťa bývalej budovy pošty. |

Svet sa zrýchľuje a spoločnosti, ktoré tieto trendy nebudú reflektovať, riskujú problémy nielen s dosahovaním vlastnej efektívnosti, ale aj existencie. Aktuálne trendy je tak možné vidieť vo viacerých rovinách. Do popredia sa čoraz viac dostávajú tieto úzko súvisiace triangle trendov:

1. človek – pracovné prostredie (workplace) – well-being,
2. klimatické zmeny – životné prostredie – udržateľnosť,
3. technológie – PropTech – inovácie.

Tieto trendy potvrdzujú aj hlavné témy a výskumy viacerých expertov a expertných tímov, s ktorými sme sa v poslednom období stretli doma aj v zahraničí, napr. na Európskej konferencii facility managementu v Dubline (EFMC 20191)) alebo na medzinárodnej konferencii organizovanej IFMA, FMN a RICS v Amsterdame (WWMFF20192)).

1. Človek – pracovné prostredie (workplace) – well-being

„Facility manažéri sa už nebudú starať o majetok, ale o jednotlivcov,“ takto tento trend vystihol vo svojej prezentácii pre EFMC 2019 David Martínez, PhD.3) Možno tieto slová znejú trochu nadnesene, no rezonujú v nás aj dlho po konferencii.

Organizáciám by malo ísť predovšetkým o ľudí, čiže o: zákazníkov, zamestnancov, manažérov, skrátka všetkých podstatných, ktorí s nimi prichádzajú do kontaktu. Prečo predovšetkým o ľudí?

Nárast globálnej populácie a predlžovanie veku odchodu do dôchodku, nástup mladých generácií, rozvoj vedy a techniky, to všetko má vplyv na zvyšovanie tlaku na ľudí, pričom sa často prekračuje jeho únosná miera.

Negatívne dôsledky sú rôzne, od jednoduchého poklesu výkonnosti, frustrácie až po nárast chorobnosti, práceneschopnosti, fluktuácie či dokonca predčasné umieranie.

Na dosahovanie optimálnej výkonnosti bude nevyhnutné stále komplexnejšie a citlivejšie harmonizovať rôzne názory, myslenia, postupy práce a požiadavky na pracovné prostredie rôznych generácií.

V novom pracovnom prostredí o chvíľu bude možné na jednom pracovisku nájsť naraz až päť generácií, a to:

1. baby boomers (1946 – 1964),
2. generáciu „X“ (1965 – 1978),
3. generáciu „Y“ (1979 – 1994),
4. generáciu „Z“ (1995 – 2005),
5. novonastupujúcu generáciu „Alfa“ (narodení po 2005).

Medzi jednotlivými generáciami sú veľké rozdiely v hodnotách, návykoch, spôsoboch komunikácie a vo vnímaní toho, ako by ich práca, pracovný čas a pracovné prostredie mali vyzerať. V budovách pritom ľudia v priemere trávia až približne 90 % svojho času.

Medzi generáciami a členmi tímov by sa mal podporovať pozitívny prístup k odlišnostiam, tolerancii a rešpektu. V Google Docs – európskej centrále spoločnosti Google v Dubline, v ktorej pracuje až 5 000 zamestnancov – sme sa stretli s veľkou podporou multikulturality a individuálnych potrieb talentov zastupujúcich všetky pracujúce generácie.

Zamestnancov tam napr. podporujú v tom, aby si svoje pracovné miesta individualizovali, spríjemnili podľa vlastnej osobnosti, priniesli si vlastné veci vyvolávajúce inšpiratívne myšlienky, ako napr. knihy, stavebnice z detských čias, rekvizity a pod.

Samozrejme, je pritom potrebné dodržiavať isté hranice. Všeobecné pravidlá majú jasne definované a viditeľne umiestnené pri vstupoch do zasadačiek, kancelárií typu open space a pod. Slúžia práve na zachovanie rešpektu a ohľaduplnosti k potrebám ďalších zamestnancov.

Ako vplýva prostredie na človeka? Veľmi. V prvom rade musí mať človek v kaž­dom momente dostatočne upokojených všetkých päť zmyslov (1. čuch, 2. chuť, 3. zrak, 4. sluch a 5. hmat), aby sa cítil príjemne a dlhodobo podával optimálny výkon.

Preto je dôležité mať vyhovujúce: bezprostredné fyzické prostredie, čiže 1. kvalitu ovzdušia, 2. kvalitu vody, 3. kvalitu osvetlenia, 4. kvalitu akustických prvkov, 5. udržiavanie optimálnej teploty, ale aj používanie vhodných materiálov príjemných na dotyk alebo ergonomických prvkov vhodných pre naše telo.

Všetko tak, aby ho prostredie neobmedzovalo pri činnosti. V druhom rade sa človek pozerá na širšie okolie a ďalšie možnosti okolitého priestoru, a to celkovo v rámci budovy alebo komplexu.

Preto je dôležité mať zabezpečené: okolité fyzické prostredie v rámci budovy alebo komplexu, ako napr. flexibilne využiteľné uzatvorené a otvorené pracovné zóny, coworkingové priestory, pracovné kaviarne, oddychové zóny, kreatívne miestnosti, zdravotnícke či wellness zóny, priestory na fyzioterapiu, na služby fitness, wellness, ale aj priestory na odkladanie bicyklov, šatne alebo sprchy.

V rámci vnútorného prostredia sa dbá na inovatívne využitie materiálov, využitie rastlín v budovách, biofilický dizajn a nasadzovanie zdraviu prospešných technológií.

Odhaduje sa, že ponuky rôznych wellness služieb, resp. programov na udržiavanie zdravia, budú rozhodujúce až pre 80 % zamestnancov pri ich nástupe a zotrvávaní v práci v nasledujúcich 10 rokoch.

Napr. v európskej centrálne Microsoftu v írskom Dubline sme sa stretli s tzv. well-being zónou s mottom „Natankuj svoje všetko“ („FuelYour Everything“), v ktorej môžu zamestnanci nájsť ordináciu zamestnaneckého lekára, každý pondelok pediatra, miestnosti na dojčenie, kozmetičku, dokonca alternatívnu reflexológiu alebo fyzioterapiu.

Vo fitness zóne s mottom „Natankuj svoje telo“ („FuelYour Body“) môžu zamestnanci navštevovať telocvičňu, jogovú zónu, fitness centrum, masáže, hudobnú miestnosť, dokonca aj modlitebňu pre viaceré viery, keďže Microsoft zamestnáva ľudí vyše 60 národností.

A nemožno zabúdať ani na: dostupnosť služieb a vybavenosti, ako napr. umožniť dochádzanie bez áut, MHD, peši, na bicykloch, stravovacie zariadenia v okolí, možnosti na šport, kultúru atď.

V tomto zmysle sa stáva trendom certifikácia budov certifikátmi WELL, ktorý udeľuje Medzinárodný inštitút zdravých budov (International WELL Building Institute – IWBI). Cieľom je transformovať budovy a komunity takými nástrojmi, ktoré ľuďom pomôžu cítiť sa zdravo a prosperovať.4)

V rámci WELL certifikácie sa hodnotí sedem oblastí parametrov:

  1. vzduch,
  2. voda,
  3. výživa,
  4. svetlo,
  5. fitness,
  6. komfort,
  7. myseľ.

2. Klimatické zmeny – životné prostredie – udržateľnosť

Medzinárodnou konferenciou WWMFF v Amsterdame tohto roku rezonovalo posolstvo, že nemáme žiadnu planétu B. Máme len jednu Zem, a tú sme nezdedili, ale si ju požičiavame od našich detí.

Ľudskou činnosťou vyvolávané klimatické zmeny, vyčerpávanie prírodných zdrojov, narastajúca spotreba energie v budovách a súvisiaci zvyšujúci sa podiel na znečisťovaní ovzdušia5), to sú len niektoré z nadchádzajúcich výziev, ktorým bude musieť facility management čeliť.

Facility management musí byť aktuálne zelenší, udržateľnejší a úspornejší viac než kedykoľvek predtým. Súčasný lineárny model ekonomiky „vezmi – použi – zahoď“, ktorá stále produkuje viac ako 50 % nespracovaných odpadov na spaľovanie a skládky, tzn. len časť odpadov sa recykluje, nie je dlhodobo udržateľný.

Jedinou udržateľnou možnosťou je prechod na cirkulárnu a uhlíkovo neutrálnu ekonomiku (obehové a uhlíkovo neutrálne hospodárstvo), a teda model „vezmi – použi – prerob – použi… atď“.

Cieľom cirkulárnej ekonomiky je predovšetkým predchádzanie vzniku odpadov a zachovávanie hodnoty výrobkov a materiálov. Keď použité výrobky dosiahnu koniec svojho životného cyklu, zdroje sa z hospodárstva nevyradia, ale použijú sa znova na vytváranie novej hodnoty. A tak dokola.

Vychádza to z porozumenia tomu, že tradičné zdroje sú obmedzené a je potrebné ich postupne nahrádzať obnoviteľnými. Odhaduje sa, že budovy sú zodpovedné za spotrebu približne 40 % vyrobenej energie a za 40 % emisií. Do roku 2050 sa odhaduje nárast spotreby energie o ďalších 45 % v porovnaní so súčasnosťou.

Ako vyzerá cirkulárna ekonomika v praxi facility manažérov? V súčasnosti je veľmi dôležitá osveta a budovanie kultúry zodpovednosti. V dublinskom Google Docs sme sa napr. stretli v kaviarni so stoličkami vyrobenými z odhodených šiat a textilného odpadu.

V Microsofte so separáciou a zberom kompostovateľného odpadu. V oboch budovách boli na miestach separovaného zberu odpadu plagáty s podrobnými vysvetlivkami, ako odpad separovať.

V Amsterdame nám facility manažér jednej z nainovatívnejších zelených budov sveta Olympic Edge6) s hrdosťou oznámil, že podlaha na prízemí sa realizovala recykláciou obvodového plášťa bývalej budovy pošty.

Začiatkom júla v Paríži zvíťazil v európskej súťaži Start-Up Europe Award 2018 slovenský start-up Sensoneo, ktorý porotu oslovil svojou misiou, vlastnou platformou a senzormi, ktorými dokáže pomáhať mestám a podnikateľom riadiť ich zvážanie odpadu efektívnejšie a znížiť náklady na jeho zber až o 30 % a súvisiace CO2 emisie až o 60 %. Všetci by sme si mali ísť príkladom.

Dobrovoľnou známkou udržateľnosti na budovách sú tzv. certifikáty zelených budov, z ktorých najpopulárnejšie sú anglický BREEAM7) a americký LEED8). Zelený certifikát nie je len známkou energetickej efektívnosti, ale hodnotí budovu aj z hľadiska ďalších vplyvov na životné prostredie, zdravie a spoločnosť.

Napr. BREEAM hodnotí až desať kategórií:

  1. energie,
  2. zdravie a well-being,
  3. inovácie,využitie pôdy,
  4. využitie materiálov,
  5. manažment,
  6. emisie,
  7. doprava,
  8. odpady,
  9. voda.

Povinným známkovaním udržateľnosti, ktorá u nás môže mať vplyv na facility manažérov, je energetická certifikácia, ktorá sa podľa zákona9) povinne vzťahuje napr. na všetky nové a obnovené budovy. Cieľom zákona je dosiahnuť napr. aj to, aby po 31. decembri 2020 mali všetky nové budovy takmer nulovú potrebu energie.

V roku 2015 bola v Paríži 195 štátmi prijatá prvá záväzná dohoda o globálnej klíme, ktorej cieľom je postupné znižovanie emisií skleníkových plynov. Európska komisia do roku 2018 postupne prijala Klimatický a energetický balík 2020, Klimatický a energetický rámec 2030 a Dlhodobú stratégiu 2050.

V marci 2019, tri roky po prijatí ambiciózneho balíka predpisov o obehovom hospodárstve s 54 bodovým akčným plánom, Európska komisia konštatovala jeho plnenie, hoci práce na niektorých bodoch stále pokračujú.

Vízia je, že uhlíkovo neutrálna, energeticky efektívna a cirkulárna ekonomika sa bude postupne zavádzať do právnych poriadkov všetkých štátov EÚ. Na zabezpečenie udržateľného rastu v globálnom meradle je potrebné využívať zdroje inteligentnejším, udržateľnejším spôsobom.

Príklad využitia rastlín v budovách biofilický dizajn pracovného priestoru v zelenej budove Olympic Edge v Amsterdame

3. Technológie – PropTech – inovácie

Na inteligentnejšiu podporu oboch pred­chádzajúcich trendov bude aj facility management stále viac využívať digitálne technológie. Inak povedané, všade tam kde už nebudú stíhať ľudia, dostanú príležitosť nové technológie a inovácie.

Inteligentné kancelárie (smart offices) budú odpoveďou na potrebu pocitu zdra­via pri práci a nárast flexibility. Inteligentné budovy (smart buildings) budú odpoveďou na automatickú optimalizáciu prevádzky budov, znižovanie spotre­by energie a zároveň emisií.

Inteligentné mestá (smart cities) sa stanú odpoveďou na globálne výzvy v širšom meradle. Trend nástupu technológií odráža aj medzinárodná akademická obec facility managementu.

Cenu za najlepší vedecký článok na tohtoročnom EFMC 2019 v Dubline získal článok o vzťahu medzi vznikajúcimi technológiami a ich vplyve na facility služby.10). Pri pohľade na technológie vo facility managemente sa budú musieť facility manažéri naučiť určitej demystifikácii technológií.

Obyčajne, keď počujeme nejaké nové slovo alebo skratku novej technológie, ktorej nerozumieme, a nenasleduje po nej ihneď vysvetlenie, začneme o nej kŕčovito premýšľať, alebo jednoducho vypneme a ďalej už nepočúvame. Pokúsime sa to zmeniť.

V zahraničí sa v tejto súvislosti s technológiami vo facility a v realitnom sektore veľmi často skloňuje slovo PropTech. ProPtech11) označuje všetky moderné technológie, ktoré majú na svedomí zmeny v tradičnom fungovaní budov, resp. celého tradičného realitného trhu.

PopTech zahŕňa technológie využívané nielen v budovách, napr. smart buildings/cities využívajúce na komunikáciu medzi prístrojmi internet vecí (Internet of Things – IoT), ale aj tie podporujúce ich inteligentnú výstavbu (napr. Building Information Modeling – BIM), plánovanie, predaj, prenájom, prevádzku (Digital Twin – digitálne dvojča), dokonca aj oceňovanie, uzatváranie zmlúv a platby (využívajú sa napr. blockchain platformy na bezpečné internetové transakcie, z ktorých najznámejšia je Ethereum).

Po automatizovaných a inteligentných budovách budú nastupovať kognitívne budovy, inak povedané, učiace sa budovy. Umelá inteligencia (Artificial Inteligence – AI) dokáže vyhodnocovať dáta oveľa rýchlejšie ako ľudia a zároveň sa učiť z chýb.

Pokročilé algoritmy učenia (Machine Learning – ML/Deep Learning – DL), ktoré umelá inteligencia využíva, sú patentovateľné a ich počet najmä v posledných rokoch exponenciálne stúpa.

Svetová organizácia duševného vlastníctva tohto roku zverejnila správu, podľa ktorej bolo od roku 1950 prihlásených približne 340 000 patentov týkajúcich sa umelej inteligencie, polovica však bola prihlásená až od roku 2012.12) A približne tretinu z tej polovice tvoria práve vynálezy týkajúce sa pokročilých algoritmov učenia sa.

Veľkých dát (Big Data) zhromažďovaných zo všetkých zariadení pripojených do internetu v určitom priestore je už dnes tak veľa, že je neefektívne ukladať ich na určitom fyzickom mieste.

Čoraz viac sa na to využívajú virtuálne úložiská (tzv. cloudy). Vďaka umelej inteligencii budú Big Data vyhodnocované stále efektívnejšie a očakáva sa, že ľudia sa budú oveľa viac rozhodovať na ich základe.

Ďalším technologickým trendom je robotizácia. Do roku 2050 by roboty mohli nahradiť až 50 % manuálnych úkonov vo facility managemente, najmä tých menej bezpečných. Už dnes možno roboty stretnúť na výstavách, v niektorých predajniach, pobočkách bánk či na recepciách.

S narastajúcimi možnosťami pripájania do internetu (najmä v prípade mladších generácií) sa dnes hovorí o tzv. hyperkonektivite. Vďaka nej kancelárie už budú môcť byť nielen inteligentné, ale navyše aj virtuálne. Vďaka budovaniu superrýchlych mobilných sietí 5. generácie budú môcť byť tieto virtuálne kancelárie navyše mobilné.

Virtuálna (Virtual Reality – VR) a rozšírená realita (Augmented Reality – AR) sa už dnes začínajú bežne využívať v praxi, pretože majú potenciál významne šetriť zdrojmi, zjednodušovať rozhodovacie procesy a sprostredkúvať podobné zážitky ako skutočná realita.

V dublinskom Microsofte je centrálna budova navrhnutá tak, aby pripomínala ostrov a nechýbajú v nej napr. digitálne jazero a vodopád.

Centrálna budova v dublinskom Microsofte navrhnutá tak aby pripomínala ostrov. Nechýbajú v nej napr. digitálne jazero a vodopád

Aj súvislosti so zavádzaním nových technológií bude úlohou facility manažérov nesprávať sa bezhlavo a nenasadzovať technológie tam, kde ich netreba, ale smerovať k zachovávaniu rovnováhy. Technológie by nám mali slúžiť, mali by nám umožniť navrhovať lepšie budovy, lepšie ich spravovať, poskytovať v nich individualizovanejšie, komplexnejšie a zdravšie služby, dlhodobo ušetriť zbytočné náklady a tak čo najviac a udržateľnejšie prosperovať. A čo ďalej? Bude to tak, ako sa k tomu postavíme, a predovšetkým tak, ako si to vytvoríme.

Text: Ing. Andrea Szabová, PhD., zakladajúca partnerka a konateľka v spoločnostiach AS Property, s. r. o., a FM Institute Slovakia, s. r. o., a JUDr. Ing. Milan Bogár, PropTech expert a právnik spoločnosti AS Property, s. r. o.
Foto: archív autorov


1) Od 13. do 14. júna 2019 sa v Dubline konal už 27. ročník Európskej konferencie facility managementu (EFMC). Zúčastnilo sa jej 350 účastníkov zo 40 krajín a 4 kontinentov. EFMC spája medzinárodných expertov z FM sektora a vytvára platformu komunikácie medzi facility manažérmi, dodávateľmi, univerzitami a asociáciami.
2) World Workplace Europe meets Facility for the Future, 20. – 22. marca 2019.
3) Prezentácia Davida Martinéza „Future Jobs In Facility Management, Believe It or Not“; dostupné na https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBd4kLVPF6g
4) Dostupné na https://www.wellcertified.com/about-iwbi/
5) Dostupné na https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-performance-of-buildings
6) Dostpné na https://www.globalproptech.online/2019/07/edge-headquarters-worlds-first-to-receive-highest-certification-for-wellbeing/
7) Dostupné na https://www.breeam.com/, BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method).
8) LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) bol vyvinutý Americkou radou pre zelené budovy (USGBC).
9) Zákon č. 555/2005 Z. z. o energetickej hospodárnosti budov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov v platnom znení. Povinná certifikácia sa vzťahuje aj na budovy alebo ich samostatné časti, ktoré sa predávajú alebo prenajímajú novému nájomcovi, alebo na budovy, ktoré sú často navštevované verejnosťou a aspoň 250 m2 celkovej podlahovej plochy v nich užíva orgán verejnej moci.
10) Redlein, Alexander a Höhenberger, Claudia, 2019 (Relationship of emerging technologies and their influence on Facility Services, Research Papers For The 18th Euroepean Research Symposium EFMC 21019, EuroFM, str. 178-188).
11) „PropTech je jedna malá časť širšej digitálnej transformácie odvetvia nehnuteľností. Vyjadruje posun poháňajúci zmeny v mentalite realitného priemyslu a jeho zákazníkov v súvislosti s technológiami poháňanými inováciami v zhromažďovaní dát, uzatváraní obchodov a navrhovaní budov a miest.“ – Baum a Dearsley, 2017.
12) Dostupné na https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_1055.pdf