Entries by FMI

Who is responsible for regulating the use of AI in real estate

Posted: March 19 2020 on Unissu with the following editor’s Note: This is one of the most complex areas of AI, and certainly AI in real estate: How do we regulate its use, and who is responsible for doing so? Complex not only because regulation needs to constantly match invention, but because the strength and […]

The art of turning data into innovative products

Posted on February 27 2020 with the following editor’s Letter: We’ve discussed data as a decision-maker, data as a money-saver, even data as a sustainability-enabler, but we haven’t really covered data as force behind creating exciting and vital new products for the real estate market. Thanks to Milan Bogár, that’s all change as he takes […]

Sustainability: how do we ensure a collaborative culture between private & public organisations?

Posted January 22 on Unissu with the following editor’s Note: If we are to achieve the necessarily ambitious carbon emission goals currently being rolled out by the world’s nations, it’s going to take extraordinary levels of collaboration and coordination between private and public organisations. But what does this collaboration look like? How does it come about? […]

PropTech: One of the main facilitators in modern facility management

Posted on September 24 2019 on Unisu Facility management must constantly be up-to-date, current and innovative in order to be able to provide in organizations balance of their core activities with ongoing social, demographic, climatic and technological changes. The world pace is becoming faster and companies that do not reflect upon these trends are putting […]

Demystifying Slovak PropTech: Vol. 1 – Smart real estate

Posted on August 28 2019 on Unissu Slovak PropTech market has a number of promising players. Not to leave it in a hidden galaxy for us and the rest of the PropTech world, the goal of this article is to introduce the market in a structured view. Because it is evolving and I do not […]